As our country slowly descends down the proverbial drain, I look to the people who are supposed to care; the ones who are supposed to help, and those who are supposed to have a genuine interest in fixing the economic and business issues that our country is having.
I don't mean by more government handouts, the first step is really quite simple; you need to give businesses a reason to feel safe about hiring new employees. But rather it would seem that they are doing everything to make sure that no business will prosper, or hire new employees.
This can only mean one thing, we are to keep spinning around the drain in the sink until we slowly go down and are lost forever. When Wall Street says that Obama is the anti-business president they are not joking with us.
He wants to make his agenda happen; I don't profess to know exactly what his agenda is, but to me it has nothing to do with helping this country. So far he has relegated all power of his office to the UN, which is absolutely horrible.
When things happen it's always somebody else's fault. When does he quit passing the buck and do something for this country instead of against it. I know that he's a socialist, or maybe a Marxist, or possibly a communist.
No matter what he is; he is most certainly not an American in his thinking, or his actions. A true American a person who cares about this country would help the economy to come back, but everything he's done seems to twist the knife a little more in to the heart of this country.
We can't fix the budget without a tax raise on the public, and the businesses. This is just a great way to make our American people go out and put more money beck in to the economy of this country. You realize that our economy is driven by the people spending money at their local businesses.
Here is what happens when an idiot jacks up our taxes in the middle of a recession. The first thing that it affects is the business in this country by making them less profitable, this in turn make them have to tighten down their spending, and the easiest way to do that is to quit hiring American people.
If that fails the next thing that happens in this chain of events is that they begin to lay off workers because they can't afford to keep them working. A business owner will do whatever it takes to stay profitable so they can stay in business.
Look back at the car companies before the government bailed them out. They first started to lay people off to stay profitable, then they quit hiring new employees. They began to sell off their manufacturing facilities, it's always a chain of events that makes things happen, rather their good things, or bad things.
Once these companies begin to lay people off, and fire people their first reaction is to tighten the belt on spending. So down goes the economy of the country. You can't blame the people for this, they don't know when they will have income again.
Here comes the government to save the day; let's put as many people on government handouts as we can. Do you remember when Obama won the election, you had people standing up and cheering, oh thank god I will never have to pay my mortgage again, oh thank god no more car payment.
This is the type of crap that he ran his campaign on, no more homeless because the government will make sure of it. No more utility payments for certain people because the government will take care of the for you to.
Just send all of your bills to the White House and the government will fix all of your problems. They can't even fix their own problems, how the hell do you think that they can fix yours. It's time to quit looking to the source of the problem to fix your problems.
The more they give you, the more they will take from you. It's quite evident with them trying to use the UN to take our second amendment rights away from us. Not to mention all of the other lunacy that they cause in this country, do things for yourself and take our country back people.
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