Thursday, August 25, 2011

Illegal Immigrant Workers & Are The California Way Of Doing Things

We all know that California is under the impression that the USA can't do business without illegal immigrants. They claim that American workers won't do the same jobs that illegal Mexican immigrants will; the truth is that American workers won't do the work for $.50 per hour.

The bottom line is that this is all about money, and the American farmers on the west coast have a lot of pull and power with their politicians. This is illegal no matter how you look at it, it should never happen in this country.

We don't live is a society where only certain people have to obey the laws; everybody should obey the law of the land. Illegal immigrant workers take jobs from the American workers, send the money back to Mexico, and kick the American worker in the face.

It's true the American worker does deserve more money the an illegal immigrant in this country. Just the very fact that they are illegal says it all. Obama and his horde would just let them do as they please, giving them amnesty if they haven't yet committed a crime.

I have news for you Obama; every one of them has committed an crime against this country. are you to stupid to see it, or your just trying to kill this country I don't know, and it doesn't matter. The truth is that they are committing a crime just by being in this country.

Just because you think that it's alright for them to be here doesn't make it so; it makes you wrong. In this writers opinion your aiding them in the act of a crime, and you should know that. Or possibly you do know it, and just don't care.

In either case it really doesn't matter much does it; when even the president; a person who is supposed to hold up the law of the land, rather then helping the criminals break the law can't even do his job, Houston we have a problem.

I know that they have been here a long time pumping out kids, anchor babies because they know that if they have kids while they are here in this country; those kids will be American citizens. Again not right this is a law that needs to be revisited.

Look at it this way; if I were to cross the broader in to Mexico without the proper paper work, and I got caught by the Federal-lies, I would go to prison for a long time I believe that amount is 17 years. Why should it be any different here in the USA.

So now you think I'm a racist; maybe I am, or possibly I'm just an American who thinks that our wonderful Federal government should get off it's ass and do it's job. I'm sick of hearing excuse after excuse about why it can't be done when I know it can.

I could even tell you how to do it, but that is for another article. I know that 14,000,000 illegal immigrants languishing in our country puts a strain on our economy. Every single one is on some kind of government assistance without a doubt.

They come here illegally looking for the freebies, and the federal government freely hands it out. Even though it's 100% against the law of this land. And we wonder why our country is doing so badly at this moment in time.

If you truly want to fix things you need to weed out the problem; look at it this way, if your garden is full of weeds and it's killing your plants you get rid of the weeds right? I'm sick of the crap, it's time to fix the problem, it really is not that hard, but they do have the excuses don't they.

Well that is about enough of this; it really doesn't matter if every American in this country had the same opinion, these morons would never listen any way. Here is an example do you remember Obamacare? Did the people want that monstrosity? I'm done with my rant, I hope somebody enjoyed the read.

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