Sunday, August 28, 2011

All Hale King Obama – This Guy is no Longer a President, he's a dictator

All hale king Obama; as the new United States he continually pushes the envelope of our constitution. The latest thing is the super congress that he put in o to power in his regime to basically control the way that congress does business.

Like they need any more help to screw this country up. Obama site at the head of this super congress; according to the constitution this is treason, and the fact that the Obama super can over power the real US congress, makes it high reason.

The new one coming down the pipe is for Obama to use his super congress to raise the debt ceiling yet again, but this time without the approval of congress. This all sounds peachy, just like we have lost our country to a hostel takeover.

It just seems to be something new every month now, if not every week. It all started with Obamacare when he passed that monstrosity in the dead of night so nobody would know. These things are happening more and more now, it's time to keep your eye on these morons people.

We also have Hillary Clinton trying to pass a small arms removal law thought the United Nations, this is a tactic to circumvent the United States constitution. Something that these people don't seem to care for, we have even heard them say it in the past.

What I'm saying here is if you have an ounce of brains you should not trust a single one of these morons; it doesn't matter if they are republican, or democrat it's all the same thing with a different name. It's just a magician slight of hand to throw you off the scent these idiots.

So people please watch everything that these people do from now on. Make sure that you get involved so you can call their bluff. Come election time we need to get rid of the lot of them, and bring in some true Americans, people who give a shit about this country.

Let's face it people, Obama is bad for business; quite simply he's bad for our country. He wants to kill everything that our country stands for, and he's doing a mighty fine job of it.

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Politics Of A Country - Does Anybody Care Any More

As our country slowly descends down the proverbial drain, I look to the people who are supposed to care; the ones who are supposed to help, and those who are supposed to have a genuine interest in fixing the economic and business issues that our country is having.

I don't mean by more government handouts, the first step is really quite simple; you need to give businesses a reason to feel safe about hiring new employees. But rather it would seem that they are doing everything to make sure that no business will prosper, or hire new employees.

This can only mean one thing, we are to keep spinning around the drain in the sink until we slowly go down and are lost forever. When Wall Street says that Obama is the anti-business president they are not joking with us.

He wants to make his agenda happen; I don't profess to know exactly what his agenda is, but to me it has nothing to do with helping this country. So far he has relegated all power of his office to the UN, which is absolutely horrible.

When things happen it's always somebody else's fault. When does he quit passing the buck and do something for this country instead of against it. I know that he's a socialist, or maybe a Marxist, or possibly a communist.

No matter what he is; he is most certainly not an American in his thinking, or his actions. A true American a person who cares about this country would help the economy to come back, but everything he's done seems to twist the knife a little more in to the heart of this country.

We can't fix the budget without a tax raise on the public, and the businesses. This is just a great way to make our American people go out and put more money beck in to the economy of this country. You realize that our economy is driven by the people spending money at their local businesses.

Here is what happens when an idiot jacks up our taxes in the middle of a recession. The first thing that it affects is the business in this country by making them less profitable, this in turn make them have to tighten down their spending, and the easiest way to do that is to quit hiring American people.

If that fails the next thing that happens in this chain of events is that they begin to lay off workers because they can't afford to keep them working. A business owner will do whatever it takes to stay profitable so they can stay in business.

Look back at the car companies before the government bailed them out. They first started to lay people off to stay profitable, then they quit hiring new employees. They began to sell off their manufacturing facilities, it's always a chain of events that makes things happen, rather their good things, or bad things.

Once these companies begin to lay people off, and fire people their first reaction is to tighten the belt on spending. So down goes the economy of the country. You can't blame the people for this, they don't know when they will have income again.

Here comes the government to save the day; let's put as many people on government handouts as we can. Do you remember when Obama won the election, you had people standing up and cheering, oh thank god I will never have to pay my mortgage again, oh thank god no more car payment.

This is the type of crap that he ran his campaign on, no more homeless because the government will make sure of it. No more utility payments for certain people because the government will take care of the for you to.

Just send all of your bills to the White House and the government will fix all of your problems. They can't even fix their own problems, how the hell do you think that they can fix yours. It's time to quit looking to the source of the problem to fix your problems.

The more they give you, the more they will take from you. It's quite evident with them trying to use the UN to take our second amendment rights away from us. Not to mention all of the other lunacy that they cause in this country, do things for yourself and take our country back people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Illegal Immigrant Workers & Are The California Way Of Doing Things

We all know that California is under the impression that the USA can't do business without illegal immigrants. They claim that American workers won't do the same jobs that illegal Mexican immigrants will; the truth is that American workers won't do the work for $.50 per hour.

The bottom line is that this is all about money, and the American farmers on the west coast have a lot of pull and power with their politicians. This is illegal no matter how you look at it, it should never happen in this country.

We don't live is a society where only certain people have to obey the laws; everybody should obey the law of the land. Illegal immigrant workers take jobs from the American workers, send the money back to Mexico, and kick the American worker in the face.

It's true the American worker does deserve more money the an illegal immigrant in this country. Just the very fact that they are illegal says it all. Obama and his horde would just let them do as they please, giving them amnesty if they haven't yet committed a crime.

I have news for you Obama; every one of them has committed an crime against this country. are you to stupid to see it, or your just trying to kill this country I don't know, and it doesn't matter. The truth is that they are committing a crime just by being in this country.

Just because you think that it's alright for them to be here doesn't make it so; it makes you wrong. In this writers opinion your aiding them in the act of a crime, and you should know that. Or possibly you do know it, and just don't care.

In either case it really doesn't matter much does it; when even the president; a person who is supposed to hold up the law of the land, rather then helping the criminals break the law can't even do his job, Houston we have a problem.

I know that they have been here a long time pumping out kids, anchor babies because they know that if they have kids while they are here in this country; those kids will be American citizens. Again not right this is a law that needs to be revisited.

Look at it this way; if I were to cross the broader in to Mexico without the proper paper work, and I got caught by the Federal-lies, I would go to prison for a long time I believe that amount is 17 years. Why should it be any different here in the USA.

So now you think I'm a racist; maybe I am, or possibly I'm just an American who thinks that our wonderful Federal government should get off it's ass and do it's job. I'm sick of hearing excuse after excuse about why it can't be done when I know it can.

I could even tell you how to do it, but that is for another article. I know that 14,000,000 illegal immigrants languishing in our country puts a strain on our economy. Every single one is on some kind of government assistance without a doubt.

They come here illegally looking for the freebies, and the federal government freely hands it out. Even though it's 100% against the law of this land. And we wonder why our country is doing so badly at this moment in time.

If you truly want to fix things you need to weed out the problem; look at it this way, if your garden is full of weeds and it's killing your plants you get rid of the weeds right? I'm sick of the crap, it's time to fix the problem, it really is not that hard, but they do have the excuses don't they.

Well that is about enough of this; it really doesn't matter if every American in this country had the same opinion, these morons would never listen any way. Here is an example do you remember Obamacare? Did the people want that monstrosity? I'm done with my rant, I hope somebody enjoyed the read.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Presidential Politics 2012

We have straw polls, real polls that actually mean something, and that we have the campaign. An event where some politician fills the American people full of false hope, and a boat load of lies. A bunch of just plain crap, they will get in office and play ball with special interest groups of all kinds.

As they stand on their podiums and basically kick mud in the face of every American, all they want to hear is a big yes we love you. They want to see people stand up and take their side, even though we know what they have done to our country un to now.

They have piled on so much debt that no man or god could undo it. But like every thing else they are looking for a way to do business as usual in Washington. They love back room deals, and the constant keeping the American people in the dark.

They court for your vote, they practically shove their tongue down your throat. As they continue to spread their lies, and their utter filth. During the first two years of the Obama admin that did not deal with the debt, or the budget, so now it's time to play the blame game.

It's time for more lies; do your remember when you were a kid and you fought with your brother or sister for the tv remote. It went something like this; no mine, no mine, and then you broke the remote and it was he did it, or she did it, it didn't matter if it was a lie as long you didn't get in trouble.

This is the same crap that these politicians are doing; they quite simply do not care about the American citizens, or this country, they only care that they stay in office so they can continue to play the people for fools as they drive a stake into the heart of this country.

They continue to play games with printing more money, and raising debt ceilings so they can pile on more debt. While the credit rating agencies are taking the AAA credit rating form this country. If these people would just do their damn jobs we might get our country back to normal some day.

Oh no they won't do that because it would be an end to the open wallet of this country for their use. No more parties at the White House, no more not placing your hand on your heart for the pledge. No more anti business crap, and no more tax hikes to fix the problems that you caused.

It would be a nice thing if they could maybe defend our borders, and keep the illegal scourge out of this country. It would be nice if they could just be Americans one damn time in their lives. It would be nice if they would ask what they can do for the country, not what the country can do for them.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Obama Super Congress

We all know that Obama is trying to destroy our country, but this takes that cake. A super congress, what a bunch of shit.