Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why Don't American's Realize It's About This Country

Why Don't American's Realize It's About This Country

Why is it when you watch the morning TV news shows like meet the press, it all seems to be about the world economy? I say let's fix this country first then after that we can worry about the rest of the world. They would all do the same.

I'm going to make some suggestions that I think would help our country.

1. Re-industrialize: This country used to build everything that it used, somewhere along the way we decided to become a service economy. It's true that you need service as a part of your economy, but not as the majority of it.
2. Follow the constitution: This seems to be toilet paper for the Obama admin, as they destroy more of it every day. They should not be above the law of the land. The USA is a nation of laws, and all of us should follow them.
3. Fix this country first: Yeah I know it sounds a little selfish. The truth of the matter is that we helped most of the other countries build strong economies, and now it seems to be our fault that they are going down, so I say fix this country, then worry about the others.
4. Leave our guns alone: In this country according to our constitution we have the right to bare arms to defend our land, and family, and no government should play with that.
5. Make lobbying illegal: No body should have any say over what congress does except the people of this country.
6. Never forget those who serve our country: In this country the military should be the last people who have to worry about getting paid.
7. Terrorism: No more using this as an excuse to do as you please to the American people. This is America and we are a free people, no matter what Obama thinks.
8. No forced health care insurance: in this country if we want to buy health care insurance we don't have to, and nobody can force it upon us.
9. Clean out congress: It would seem that the usefulness of our congress has reached it's end, as they get nothing accomplished any more, and when they do it's either illegal or it makes things worse then they already are. Bring in some people who care about this country and we will make progress.
10. Term limits for congress: there should be no such a thing as a career politician, congress should have a four year term limit. If we put limits on them they will have to get the job done or be booted during the elections.
11. When congress is caught in the act: A review by their peers gets nothing done, when they are caught doing something illegal bring it before the people, not before a congress laugh in.

If we could do just these eleven things it would help our country rebuild it's self back the what it used to be way back in the day. Back when every other country respected this country, that starts with a president who cares about this country.

It ends with a congress that is not career politicians who cater to every lobbyist on the hill. They are supposed to work for the people, and not themselves and some lobbying organization. It's time to run these bums out of office and start again.

Monday, December 19, 2011

12 Reasons That Oabama Should Be Impeached

12 Reasons That Oabama Should Be Impeached

We all know the first reason, and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not; Obama failed to provide legitimate proof of American citizenship. Nor did he provide the basics that every candidate did, usually a person has to provide medical records, school records and a lot more.

None of these things were ever provided by Obama, or his wonderful administration. Oh wait a minute how about that birth certificate that was proven to be a forgery. Or was it just a certificate of live birth? Hmm well it doesn't matter any way it was a fake.

Even his Grandma says that he was born in Kenya, since when was Africa in the United States? Now for the list of 10 reasons that Obama should be impeached.

1. Treason: A president of the United States cannot have any other job, or be appointed to any other government position. (Obama sits at the head of the UN Sec, Obama First US President To Chair UN Security Council).
2. The continuous money printing that cause huge inflation, and take down the US dollar.
3. More planned bailouts using the taxpayers money. 4. Obamacare illegal government forced health care insurance that for some reason the people never got to vote on (HMM transparency).
5. Plans to raise taxes during a recession, and farther kill the job market in this country.
6. Refuses to keep his hands out of the cookie jar.
7. Asking our military if they would shoot an American citizen.
8. Laws that allow Obama and his minions to put people in prison without due process for life just because they want to.
9. His allowed downgrade of the US credit rating.
10. All of his failed policies, his continued apologies for our countries so called horrible deeds around the world.
11. His horrible green technology ideas, and the cap & trade ideas that he has.
12. And last but not least his total disregard for anything American, his complete idiocy about our country and how it works.

I could go on forever but I think you get the point. Obama is an idiot who should not be running this country. First of all he breaks every law in the Constitution, and really has no use for the Constitution or the bill of rights, these are the very things that were designed to protect our citizens form a tyrannical government.

He passes laws without a vote from the people of the country. He has begun his plans to remove guns from the American people. In the constitution we have the with the second amendment to bare arms to defend our family and our property.

The list just goes on and on; this guy is not an American president he is the American destroyer. He truly could care less about this country or the people in it. He only cares about his agenda, and doing the things that would make the country go socialist.

Yeah I know that there are a lot of people who think that they should be supported by the government. Al I have to say is grow the hell up, that is the most anti-American crap ever thought of. Nobody owes you a single thing.

If you don't believe the things that I'm telling you, all you have to do is do some research it b on your own, and you will discover that I am not lying. In the end it really is up to you. You can either become a true American citizen and help our country, go follow the corrupt government.

No this did not start with Obama; but it will end with him unless we do something to stop it. How do you like the idea of sitting in prison because you decided not to buy health insurance. How about the government coming and taking all of your guns, or telling you where you can surf on the internet.

Or better yet a Chinese style internet where you can only use it six hours per day, and you are only allowed to see what they want you to see. That sounds all warm and fussy doesn't it? That is what the Obama admin is trying to do.

Believe me this does not even begin scratch the surface. There is a laundry list of things that have happened, or are going to happen if we the people don't do something about it. No I am not some conspiracy freak that just comes up with things off of the top of my head, I do research to learn about things, and you should to.

Conclusion: This country is not what it once was, but if we do things right it can be again. You can no longer trust Uncle Sam to do the right thing, that ended a long time ago. But if the real Americans take action to fix our country, it can be the way that we all know it should be.

Corrupt politicians and globalists are trying their hardest to kill our country, and they are doing a very good job of it. All we need to do is learn, and empower our selves and our country to return to the constitution and make laws that any president, or congress who bocks at the constitution can be brought up on treason charges.