Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Pinko Commies

Occupy Wall Street the first thing that I will say is that I don't support our federal government bailing out the banks on Wall Street. But I don't think that we need to do away with Wall street either, the way I see it we just need to gather up the people in those banks that did wrong and prosecute them.

With that said I do not think that all of Wall Street should take the blame for the mistakes of a few people out of hundreds of thousands of people that work on, or for Wall Street. The occupy Wall street movement need to get it's story straight.

We don't need to hear the Nazi crap about kicking the Zionist Jews out of this country. All that sort of thing does is creates tension among the people in this country. It festers hatred for a people just because of who they are, and no other reason.

One of the dumbest statements that I ever heard in my life came form one of the Occupy Wall Street ladies; who said oh the world would be better off if we didn't have money. Just give that fit of stupidity a bit of thought.

About 90% of these people have no idea why they are there; but allow me to say that I love this country. I love capitalism and I do not think that it's evil. I know form the deepest part of my heart and soul that capitalism is the right system.

Nothing is perfect because people are not perfect, but I do believe that you should get rewarded for being successful, rather then expecting the government to pay for everything. We are not a socialist, Marxist, or communist country, and I hope it always stays that way.

The Occupy Wall Street people are just another bunch of entitlement freaks, who think that the government and out taxes should pay their way. I say go out and work for yourself, get a pay check, and pay your bills, then with what is left over you can use for you entitlement fund.

This amounts to an infestation growing up on this country like cancer, before it becomes malignant we need to stop it. If these people don't like this country, or how we do things here; it just might be time to move on over to Europe where you belong.

Conclusion: If your going to try to make a statement like the Occupy Wall Street movement at least make it coherent, and not anti-American. If you don't like this country and the way we do things here, you should leave it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The President's Gang of Cheerleaders

When you hear people like Ben Bernake talk about the economy they are always telling the things that they think you want to hear. For most of us it works, but if you actually do some study on the issues you will realize that it's not true.

Obviously you know that Ben Bernake is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, at least if you ever watch a day of news in your life. He is also one of Obama's buddies, that explains the cheer leading that I refer to.

Reference: New York CNN Money News “ The economy lost some momentum recently, Ben Bernanke acknowledged Tuesday, but the Federal Reserve chairman is still optimistic that the recovery will pick up again in the second half of the year.”

If you like to hear the real facts you need to study what is going on here. First of all they are gauging the recovery based off of things that have happened in the past. That used to work until the housing market started getting creative with loans to the people buying that houses.

This is a little thing called Fannie Mae & Freddy Mack, these to two companies were built to help people who couldn't afford a house to buy one. Obviously the thinking was flawed in it's nature, but they didn't care they were making boat loads of cash for doing it.

They were giving sub prime loans on houses, and loans simply known as liar loans; on these loans people didn't even have to provide proof of income, or show that they had a job that would support the payments,and it backfired.

We all know what happened with this idea; when these people would first buy their houses they were worth a lot of money, and they were constantly gaining value, at a rate beyond which anybody had imagined, and the money rolled in.

But there were rough times ahead; in 2008 the housing market would crash, and when it did people would be berried in their homes, with a hose that was worth much much less then they owed. This would cause the banks to start foreclosing on the people that owned the homes.

Economic recovery 'close to faltering,' Ben Bernanke tells Congress, this is one of the first truths that this guy has ever told. There are cities that 80% of the home owners are under water, so it's time for some real truth here.

Definition of Sub Prime Loans: A type of loan that is offered at a rate above prime to individuals who do not qualify for prime rate loans. Quite often, subprime borrowers are often turned away from traditional lenders because of their low credit ratings or other factors that suggest that they have a reasonable chance of defaulting on the debt repayment. Learn more here

Definition of a Liar Loan: This type of loan was a loan where the banks didn't require any document to back what the borrowers were saying. So they could get away with murder when they bought a new home.

You can see where this is headed, in the end the housing market that was continually gaining in value would crash and take down the stock market with it. To stop the stock market from keeling over dead the Federal government would prop it up.

This was done by printing more money, and injecting in to the stock market; this would give a false indication that the markets were on the mend, and create more investor confidence in the markets. As we all know it hasn't worked, but you will never hear it from them.

Instead you will hear how they need to raise taxes to fix the problem. “Obviously not the correct answer during a recession” it's quite simple where they need to start, first of all they need to revise the current tax codes to fix our antiquated tax system.

But sorry this amounts to real work, and we all know that the Federal government doesn't want to work, they would rather fight and act like kids instead. You have just got to love the idiocy that we call the Federal government.

They need to help businesses to want to hire more people; here's the problem Obama would like to tax the very people who are creating jobs in this country by taxing people for making more then $250,000 per year, this will encompass almost every business in the country.

What they should do is own up to their mistakes and figure out a way to fix them without doing it off of the sweat of the people. No I am not a lover of the Wall Street people who helped cause this issue to happen, but by the same token it's not all of Wall Street that caused the problem, it's a few people.

I say make those people who caused the problems pay for their foolishness and leave the rest of Wall Street to do it's daily business. Wall Street is the engine that drives our country, and it should be left do do so.

In the United States was are capitalists, not socialists, or communists. It is not the fault of our system, or this country that this has happened, its the fault of a few misguided people who thought they could out smart the system and make a killing, well the system has issued a big “Got Ya” to these people.

So look for news in other places, read books or what ever you have to do, but you should always take what these people tell you with a grain of salt. You should be looking for ways to back o up your savings, and your retirement earnings.

Protect yourself because they will keep misleading you if it makes them look good. It's a game of spread the word, and if it's not the good word you smooth it over, and that is what Bernake the the Obama Horde does, and it's what they will keep doing.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It Just Seems To Get Worse Every Day

It just seems to get worse every day; you know how things are during the presidential campaign season they will have some huge event occasionally that makes thing seem to look better for a while. Take for instance the capture or kill of al-Aulaqi.

A big event by most people's standards, this is one of those things that will happen during am election cycle. When politicians are trying to make themselves look good. It's just a bit to late for Obama I hope, it's would be nice to think that he won't be winning again.

Although he shouldn't win a re-election it is always possible. If he think that he's getting behind he will have a few more rabbits to pull out of his hat. You know when it get's close to poll time the gas prices will suddenly, and for no reason drop, this will be to make Obama look good.

With all of his failed policies, and a huge push for green technology, failed bailouts, and banks asking for more money from a country that is in the hole. What should Obama do; if the government had to live like an American citizen they would get their spending under control.

And not borrow more money to bail our country out of the hole. Let our system do what it does the best. You know our system is designed to withstand huge economic downturns like we have now. The system would correct it's self if they would let it.

I don't know: I guess I'm just pissing against the wind to think that we could ever resemble the great country that we once were. The president that starts pushing it that direction would get my support, let me tell you it's not hard, and I think I speak for more then just myself.

Here Are Some Of The Things That I would Like To See
1. Huge spending reductions
2. A huge shrinking of the size & scope of the government
3. A government that knows who they work for
4. A Constitutional based government
5. A government that believes that we need to re-industrialize
6. No more perks for companies that send American jobs over seas
7. A Huge tax on every job that is sent over seas
8. All companies are treated equally no matter how big, or small
9. No more of the government using the peoples money to pay for their mistakes
10. No more huge tax hikes, how cares what Warren Buffet says
11. A flat tax of 15% across the board for everybody, no more individual taxes like property tax, quit piling on the taxes
12. Finally the borders need to be locked down, and all of the illegals thrown out of this country, born here or not

Like most of the lists that I write I could go on for ever but it would be pointless. If your an American who would like to help; learn all you can about what's going on in this country and spread the word any way you can.

Remember you should never trust the news; you should always research things on the web, and any other reliable way that you can. Learn the real truth, and start to spread the word any way that you can. Make sure that people hear it, and know that your nor just a crack pot.