Saturday, February 19, 2011

A List Of No No's That Obama Said Yes To

I could go forever with a list like this, but I will concentrate on the ones that I know you have heard about. First of all a few months back, behind closed doors at congress, using all brands of shady tactics. Obama and his horde of morons passed a nationalized health care bill.

With an overwhelming 70% of the American people against it, are you ready for the change. Against the American public he drives the country in to more debt, George H. Bush over an eight year presidency ran the country one trillion dollars in to the red.

Obama in 1.5 years has added another thirteen trillion eight hundred million dollars in to debt. You tell me who is doing a worse job. Obama promised to create jobs, yet still the jobless rate hovers at just below ten percent, that is huge.

The GDP has dropped from 3.8 percent last quarter, to 2.3 percent this quarter, how's that change working out for you now? The far left democrats are doing deals behind closed doors, so the public can't see what's going on, where is the transparency that Obama promised?

It's the good old boy Chicago politics at work; not to mention, where is Obama's proof of citizenship. He seems to use his minions to hide behind loopholes in the law to his best advantage. But look at what George H. Bush done, as I chuckle.

I am no fan of some of the crap that Bush pulled either, but he is far better then the entire Obama horde. As our country is getting overrun with illegal immigrants from Mexico, the feds are doing nothing. Oh don't get me wrong here, I know that this started way before Obama came along.

This is one of the things that Bush should have done something about, instead he wanted to please his buddy Vicnte Fox, then the president on Mexico. A little of the same thing that is going on here. Oh we must not show the Mexicans that there are consequences for breaking the law.

Just another show of the disdain for what the American public thinks, we are all just idiots in the eyes of congress. Just a bunch of baboons chained to a chair in front of the TV. Just a bunch of morons incapable of thinking for ourselves.

That is until it's time to vote, then we become the greatest people on the earth. Let's show them that the American people are not just a bunch of baboons chained to a chair in front of the TV. It's time that these morons understand that we can think for ourselves.

Go to the polls and vote down the incumbents, or vote out the current people in charge. Do what you think needs to be done to start the restoration of our country. If this continues to be the norm, we will lose all of our freedoms.

I have said this time, and time again. The more handouts you take from the government, the more power you give them, and the more power you give them, the less freedoms you have. It's communism waiting to happen.

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