It seems that our country has taken a turn for the worse; do you feel like something is missing? When I listen to people like Glen Beck it kind of gets me thinking about things. I don't buy in to the whole people falling away from religion is the cause, of our nation's down fall.
I blame most of that on corruption, and the people in our country getting complacent about politics. You have got to know, if you give a politician an inch, they will certainly take a mile. If the people aren't there to stop them, they will just keep right on doing it until our country is dust.
We haven't had a good president for a long time, but there again, it's the people getting complacent. If you let these people do as they please for long enough, it will become the normal thing to do. We are all sick of the Obama back room deals, and by offs.
I think that somewhere along the way, the politicians have lost their integrity, they no linger keep any promises they make, nor do they care about our country. But it's up to the people to put an end to the madness, because they aren't going to just decide to stop getting away with what they can.
All we really have to do is make sure that o the politicians in our own states believe in the constitution, and they are prepared to use it as a guide line, they are prepared to follow it to the letter. But it's up to the people to make sure that this happens.
No politician is just going to follow the constitution, they have to be reminded that the constitution is the document that they are sworn to live by. You remind them of this at election time, by getting rib of them if they don't follow the constitution.
I do also agree with Glen Beck when he says that everything doesn't dwell around politics, it dwells around the core beliefs of the people who are in office. You must have people of conviction who believe in our country.
You are right if your thinking that it will be hard to find a person like that, they are few and far between, but they are out there. We all know that we don't need a president running around the world telling all of the other countries who America is always screwing up, and how sorry we are.
We need courageous people who truly believe the this country, people who love this country, we need people who radiate the United States Of America in public. They need to understand that the USA never comes last, and should never pander to another country.
I'm going to take you back in history here, not to far though only about 1.5 years. Do you remember a news article when Reverend Write “Obama's Reverend when he was younger” “God Damn America” not to mention his wife, who has never been proud of this country, until Obama was elected.
Yes it sounds Anti-American because it is. No matter what context you hear it in, or how it gets spun, it will always sound Anti-American because it is Anti-American. These are the kind of people in charge of our country, how wonderful huh?
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