Here we go again with the racism crap from the people on the left, is this really the only card they hold? It's about time that the illegal immigration on the south west border of our country was put to an end, and I don't mean by granting all of them amnesty.
If you want to come to this country, you can do it the legal way or pay the price. It's about time that all of the illegals learned this the hard way. No more worthless protests, no more whining about their rights from the left, they are illegal immigrants.
The word illegal implies that they are criminals just by being here, if the Feds don't want to do their job, the states should be allowed to take it over. I'm getting sick of all of the whining from the far left democrats, these people aren't concerned about what this is doing to our country.
I could care less how much California loves the illegal immigrants in their state, if you want them so bad, keep them all in your state. This problem needs to be fixed, if they break the law, they should pay the price.
Illegal immigration does a lot of things to our country, and none of them are good. First of all it drives the wages down for legal American workers. Let's not even discuss the homeland security issues that it causes, with the Mexican drug lords doing as they please on the border.
Don't think for one minute that terrorists aren't coming in along that border. People from every nation are crossing that border illegally every day. They all need to be stopped, it's illegal, and the law needs to be enforced, and it needs to be enforced harshly.
We don't need to treat them with kid gloves, and give them a pat on the back and tell them please don't do that again, or we will pat you on the back again. Not to mention the law that if your born here, your automatically a US citizen, it's ludicrous.
All the Feds to to solve the illegal immigration problem is put up signs telling the American people to stay off of their own land, or they are at risk of being shot by a drug lord, or Mexican bandit. It;s time to get off of you asses boys, and do your job.
Don't think of this as a suggestion, think of it as your boss giving you an order. After all you were elected by the people, to serve the people. So this is a call to action, do you job on the border, do not look for a reason to grant them amnesty, look for a reason to kick them out of our country.
If you need a reason to do it, here it is, they are illegal, they are criminals just by being here. I don't care if their just here to try and make a better life for them, and their families. They need to be here legally, and not by the use of an easy way out such as amnesty either.
So Feds, and the Obama horde, it's time to pull yourself from that vacation that you call congress. It's time to get out of the easy chair and do your damn job. It's time to secure our borders, and protect our country, or lose your cushy jobs.
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