This article will put across the idea of a real person, on how to speak up and be heard. I am no guru, or professor of public speaking. This article is through the eyes of an ordinary person, just another person that you might run in to every day.
If you want people to listen to what you have to say, the first step that you need to take in my opinion is to present yourself the right way. Everything in life is done off of the first impression that you make when you meet people.
People will take a person who looks like they are well groomed, and maintained a lot more seriously then a person who looks like their appearance doesn't mean a lot to them. If you notice all of the so called gurus are always in a nice suit.
Noe to the meat of the subject; I'm sure that in your travels you have heard of using power words? Power words will make you sound like god himself when used right. Its all about projecting yourself the right way in public.
If you want people to listen to you, you need to draw their attention first. The power words will help you do that quite nicely. But their is an art to it; you need to know when to use them for the full effect to take place.
When you trying to speak out and be heard, you really trying to capture the audience that is around you at that time, your trying to draw them in, make them hang on every word. It's all about how you present yourself, and the timing that you use to do it.
Another factor that weighs in to it is body language, use positive gestures; such as when your talking, and you want people to listen, you should always sit, or stand with your arms open, this is an inviting gesture, like your giving the audience a big warm hug.
Make eye contact with the audience, and try not to look down, its a sign that your not interested in what your doing. It always helps to have a presentation to go along with what you are talking about. Speak with conviction; you should make the people believe what you are saying, the same way that you do.
You should never make it look like you a robot, by reading from a notebook. You need to be genuine if your trying to gather a following of people who like to listen to what you have to say. Never speak down to people, always put yourself on the same level as them.
Use words like us, and we rather the my, I, or me. Always try to include you audience in the speech.
It's a powerful thing when people feel like they belong, like they have seen the things that your talking about.
One of the most important things is to maintain good sincere eye contact with your audience. I can't stress enough how important this is. If you keep good eye contact it makes the people feel more at ease with your, and what your talking about.
The more at ease that people are with you, the more they will tune in and listen. As I said at the first, I am no guru, or professor I'm just a normal guy who has noticed a few things about public speakers over the years.
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