Sunday, December 25, 2011

Why Don't American's Realize It's About This Country

Why Don't American's Realize It's About This Country

Why is it when you watch the morning TV news shows like meet the press, it all seems to be about the world economy? I say let's fix this country first then after that we can worry about the rest of the world. They would all do the same.

I'm going to make some suggestions that I think would help our country.

1. Re-industrialize: This country used to build everything that it used, somewhere along the way we decided to become a service economy. It's true that you need service as a part of your economy, but not as the majority of it.
2. Follow the constitution: This seems to be toilet paper for the Obama admin, as they destroy more of it every day. They should not be above the law of the land. The USA is a nation of laws, and all of us should follow them.
3. Fix this country first: Yeah I know it sounds a little selfish. The truth of the matter is that we helped most of the other countries build strong economies, and now it seems to be our fault that they are going down, so I say fix this country, then worry about the others.
4. Leave our guns alone: In this country according to our constitution we have the right to bare arms to defend our land, and family, and no government should play with that.
5. Make lobbying illegal: No body should have any say over what congress does except the people of this country.
6. Never forget those who serve our country: In this country the military should be the last people who have to worry about getting paid.
7. Terrorism: No more using this as an excuse to do as you please to the American people. This is America and we are a free people, no matter what Obama thinks.
8. No forced health care insurance: in this country if we want to buy health care insurance we don't have to, and nobody can force it upon us.
9. Clean out congress: It would seem that the usefulness of our congress has reached it's end, as they get nothing accomplished any more, and when they do it's either illegal or it makes things worse then they already are. Bring in some people who care about this country and we will make progress.
10. Term limits for congress: there should be no such a thing as a career politician, congress should have a four year term limit. If we put limits on them they will have to get the job done or be booted during the elections.
11. When congress is caught in the act: A review by their peers gets nothing done, when they are caught doing something illegal bring it before the people, not before a congress laugh in.

If we could do just these eleven things it would help our country rebuild it's self back the what it used to be way back in the day. Back when every other country respected this country, that starts with a president who cares about this country.

It ends with a congress that is not career politicians who cater to every lobbyist on the hill. They are supposed to work for the people, and not themselves and some lobbying organization. It's time to run these bums out of office and start again.

Monday, December 19, 2011

12 Reasons That Oabama Should Be Impeached

12 Reasons That Oabama Should Be Impeached

We all know the first reason, and it doesn't matter if you believe it or not; Obama failed to provide legitimate proof of American citizenship. Nor did he provide the basics that every candidate did, usually a person has to provide medical records, school records and a lot more.

None of these things were ever provided by Obama, or his wonderful administration. Oh wait a minute how about that birth certificate that was proven to be a forgery. Or was it just a certificate of live birth? Hmm well it doesn't matter any way it was a fake.

Even his Grandma says that he was born in Kenya, since when was Africa in the United States? Now for the list of 10 reasons that Obama should be impeached.

1. Treason: A president of the United States cannot have any other job, or be appointed to any other government position. (Obama sits at the head of the UN Sec, Obama First US President To Chair UN Security Council).
2. The continuous money printing that cause huge inflation, and take down the US dollar.
3. More planned bailouts using the taxpayers money. 4. Obamacare illegal government forced health care insurance that for some reason the people never got to vote on (HMM transparency).
5. Plans to raise taxes during a recession, and farther kill the job market in this country.
6. Refuses to keep his hands out of the cookie jar.
7. Asking our military if they would shoot an American citizen.
8. Laws that allow Obama and his minions to put people in prison without due process for life just because they want to.
9. His allowed downgrade of the US credit rating.
10. All of his failed policies, his continued apologies for our countries so called horrible deeds around the world.
11. His horrible green technology ideas, and the cap & trade ideas that he has.
12. And last but not least his total disregard for anything American, his complete idiocy about our country and how it works.

I could go on forever but I think you get the point. Obama is an idiot who should not be running this country. First of all he breaks every law in the Constitution, and really has no use for the Constitution or the bill of rights, these are the very things that were designed to protect our citizens form a tyrannical government.

He passes laws without a vote from the people of the country. He has begun his plans to remove guns from the American people. In the constitution we have the with the second amendment to bare arms to defend our family and our property.

The list just goes on and on; this guy is not an American president he is the American destroyer. He truly could care less about this country or the people in it. He only cares about his agenda, and doing the things that would make the country go socialist.

Yeah I know that there are a lot of people who think that they should be supported by the government. Al I have to say is grow the hell up, that is the most anti-American crap ever thought of. Nobody owes you a single thing.

If you don't believe the things that I'm telling you, all you have to do is do some research it b on your own, and you will discover that I am not lying. In the end it really is up to you. You can either become a true American citizen and help our country, go follow the corrupt government.

No this did not start with Obama; but it will end with him unless we do something to stop it. How do you like the idea of sitting in prison because you decided not to buy health insurance. How about the government coming and taking all of your guns, or telling you where you can surf on the internet.

Or better yet a Chinese style internet where you can only use it six hours per day, and you are only allowed to see what they want you to see. That sounds all warm and fussy doesn't it? That is what the Obama admin is trying to do.

Believe me this does not even begin scratch the surface. There is a laundry list of things that have happened, or are going to happen if we the people don't do something about it. No I am not some conspiracy freak that just comes up with things off of the top of my head, I do research to learn about things, and you should to.

Conclusion: This country is not what it once was, but if we do things right it can be again. You can no longer trust Uncle Sam to do the right thing, that ended a long time ago. But if the real Americans take action to fix our country, it can be the way that we all know it should be.

Corrupt politicians and globalists are trying their hardest to kill our country, and they are doing a very good job of it. All we need to do is learn, and empower our selves and our country to return to the constitution and make laws that any president, or congress who bocks at the constitution can be brought up on treason charges.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Pinko Commies

Occupy Wall Street the first thing that I will say is that I don't support our federal government bailing out the banks on Wall Street. But I don't think that we need to do away with Wall street either, the way I see it we just need to gather up the people in those banks that did wrong and prosecute them.

With that said I do not think that all of Wall Street should take the blame for the mistakes of a few people out of hundreds of thousands of people that work on, or for Wall Street. The occupy Wall street movement need to get it's story straight.

We don't need to hear the Nazi crap about kicking the Zionist Jews out of this country. All that sort of thing does is creates tension among the people in this country. It festers hatred for a people just because of who they are, and no other reason.

One of the dumbest statements that I ever heard in my life came form one of the Occupy Wall Street ladies; who said oh the world would be better off if we didn't have money. Just give that fit of stupidity a bit of thought.

About 90% of these people have no idea why they are there; but allow me to say that I love this country. I love capitalism and I do not think that it's evil. I know form the deepest part of my heart and soul that capitalism is the right system.

Nothing is perfect because people are not perfect, but I do believe that you should get rewarded for being successful, rather then expecting the government to pay for everything. We are not a socialist, Marxist, or communist country, and I hope it always stays that way.

The Occupy Wall Street people are just another bunch of entitlement freaks, who think that the government and out taxes should pay their way. I say go out and work for yourself, get a pay check, and pay your bills, then with what is left over you can use for you entitlement fund.

This amounts to an infestation growing up on this country like cancer, before it becomes malignant we need to stop it. If these people don't like this country, or how we do things here; it just might be time to move on over to Europe where you belong.

Conclusion: If your going to try to make a statement like the Occupy Wall Street movement at least make it coherent, and not anti-American. If you don't like this country and the way we do things here, you should leave it.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The President's Gang of Cheerleaders

When you hear people like Ben Bernake talk about the economy they are always telling the things that they think you want to hear. For most of us it works, but if you actually do some study on the issues you will realize that it's not true.

Obviously you know that Ben Bernake is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, at least if you ever watch a day of news in your life. He is also one of Obama's buddies, that explains the cheer leading that I refer to.

Reference: New York CNN Money News “ The economy lost some momentum recently, Ben Bernanke acknowledged Tuesday, but the Federal Reserve chairman is still optimistic that the recovery will pick up again in the second half of the year.”

If you like to hear the real facts you need to study what is going on here. First of all they are gauging the recovery based off of things that have happened in the past. That used to work until the housing market started getting creative with loans to the people buying that houses.

This is a little thing called Fannie Mae & Freddy Mack, these to two companies were built to help people who couldn't afford a house to buy one. Obviously the thinking was flawed in it's nature, but they didn't care they were making boat loads of cash for doing it.

They were giving sub prime loans on houses, and loans simply known as liar loans; on these loans people didn't even have to provide proof of income, or show that they had a job that would support the payments,and it backfired.

We all know what happened with this idea; when these people would first buy their houses they were worth a lot of money, and they were constantly gaining value, at a rate beyond which anybody had imagined, and the money rolled in.

But there were rough times ahead; in 2008 the housing market would crash, and when it did people would be berried in their homes, with a hose that was worth much much less then they owed. This would cause the banks to start foreclosing on the people that owned the homes.

Economic recovery 'close to faltering,' Ben Bernanke tells Congress, this is one of the first truths that this guy has ever told. There are cities that 80% of the home owners are under water, so it's time for some real truth here.

Definition of Sub Prime Loans: A type of loan that is offered at a rate above prime to individuals who do not qualify for prime rate loans. Quite often, subprime borrowers are often turned away from traditional lenders because of their low credit ratings or other factors that suggest that they have a reasonable chance of defaulting on the debt repayment. Learn more here

Definition of a Liar Loan: This type of loan was a loan where the banks didn't require any document to back what the borrowers were saying. So they could get away with murder when they bought a new home.

You can see where this is headed, in the end the housing market that was continually gaining in value would crash and take down the stock market with it. To stop the stock market from keeling over dead the Federal government would prop it up.

This was done by printing more money, and injecting in to the stock market; this would give a false indication that the markets were on the mend, and create more investor confidence in the markets. As we all know it hasn't worked, but you will never hear it from them.

Instead you will hear how they need to raise taxes to fix the problem. “Obviously not the correct answer during a recession” it's quite simple where they need to start, first of all they need to revise the current tax codes to fix our antiquated tax system.

But sorry this amounts to real work, and we all know that the Federal government doesn't want to work, they would rather fight and act like kids instead. You have just got to love the idiocy that we call the Federal government.

They need to help businesses to want to hire more people; here's the problem Obama would like to tax the very people who are creating jobs in this country by taxing people for making more then $250,000 per year, this will encompass almost every business in the country.

What they should do is own up to their mistakes and figure out a way to fix them without doing it off of the sweat of the people. No I am not a lover of the Wall Street people who helped cause this issue to happen, but by the same token it's not all of Wall Street that caused the problem, it's a few people.

I say make those people who caused the problems pay for their foolishness and leave the rest of Wall Street to do it's daily business. Wall Street is the engine that drives our country, and it should be left do do so.

In the United States was are capitalists, not socialists, or communists. It is not the fault of our system, or this country that this has happened, its the fault of a few misguided people who thought they could out smart the system and make a killing, well the system has issued a big “Got Ya” to these people.

So look for news in other places, read books or what ever you have to do, but you should always take what these people tell you with a grain of salt. You should be looking for ways to back o up your savings, and your retirement earnings.

Protect yourself because they will keep misleading you if it makes them look good. It's a game of spread the word, and if it's not the good word you smooth it over, and that is what Bernake the the Obama Horde does, and it's what they will keep doing.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

It Just Seems To Get Worse Every Day

It just seems to get worse every day; you know how things are during the presidential campaign season they will have some huge event occasionally that makes thing seem to look better for a while. Take for instance the capture or kill of al-Aulaqi.

A big event by most people's standards, this is one of those things that will happen during am election cycle. When politicians are trying to make themselves look good. It's just a bit to late for Obama I hope, it's would be nice to think that he won't be winning again.

Although he shouldn't win a re-election it is always possible. If he think that he's getting behind he will have a few more rabbits to pull out of his hat. You know when it get's close to poll time the gas prices will suddenly, and for no reason drop, this will be to make Obama look good.

With all of his failed policies, and a huge push for green technology, failed bailouts, and banks asking for more money from a country that is in the hole. What should Obama do; if the government had to live like an American citizen they would get their spending under control.

And not borrow more money to bail our country out of the hole. Let our system do what it does the best. You know our system is designed to withstand huge economic downturns like we have now. The system would correct it's self if they would let it.

I don't know: I guess I'm just pissing against the wind to think that we could ever resemble the great country that we once were. The president that starts pushing it that direction would get my support, let me tell you it's not hard, and I think I speak for more then just myself.

Here Are Some Of The Things That I would Like To See
1. Huge spending reductions
2. A huge shrinking of the size & scope of the government
3. A government that knows who they work for
4. A Constitutional based government
5. A government that believes that we need to re-industrialize
6. No more perks for companies that send American jobs over seas
7. A Huge tax on every job that is sent over seas
8. All companies are treated equally no matter how big, or small
9. No more of the government using the peoples money to pay for their mistakes
10. No more huge tax hikes, how cares what Warren Buffet says
11. A flat tax of 15% across the board for everybody, no more individual taxes like property tax, quit piling on the taxes
12. Finally the borders need to be locked down, and all of the illegals thrown out of this country, born here or not

Like most of the lists that I write I could go on for ever but it would be pointless. If your an American who would like to help; learn all you can about what's going on in this country and spread the word any way you can.

Remember you should never trust the news; you should always research things on the web, and any other reliable way that you can. Learn the real truth, and start to spread the word any way that you can. Make sure that people hear it, and know that your nor just a crack pot.

Friday, September 30, 2011

In The Beginning: The Destruction Of The USA

In the beginning the plan was to DE-industrialize our country and shift the power back to the government from the private sector. You may be thinking to yourself geez it's another paranoid blogger, another American gone insane with idea of retribution.

You may think there are thousands just like him on the net; these people who think that they know it all. That is most certainly not the truth with me, I'm just a normal American citizen who is fed up with a government that doesn't know how they work for.

I've had enough of the lies just to cover up the lies that came out of their mouths the sentence before that. The bottom line is that is was all planned, yes I said it a plan to take down our country so the elite morons can run this country and the world.

Remember as you read this article this is my way of putting across a point about what has happened, and is still happening to our once great country. I don't just pull the things that I say out of thin air, if you look in to it, and do some research of your own you can learn a lot of things and become enlightened to.

Most of the things that I say; I say them with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes, this hurts me to the core as a proud American citizen. I'm going to run down a list of 10 things that the government has done to brings down our country, remember this is through my eyes with no publication editors telling me what to say; or not to say so here we go.

10 Things That Have Paved The Way To The Demise Of Our Country
1. The DE-industrialization of The United States, moving the big steel manufactures out of this country in the 1980's was the start of a push toward a service based economy.
2. In the 1990's we started to depend on the Federal Government to regulate business, and banking more; this opened the door and got their foot in.
3. 1980's & 1990's the big union labor push to take control of all labor in this country, still going on now.
4. Corrupt politicians filling their pockets, and giving their buddies business all kinds of perks, and breaks.
5. In 2007 President Bush initiating the bailouts of the automotive industry, and the big banks.
6. In 2008 Enter Obama, the an even bigger strain on our country, and it's economy; more help for GE, and other friends of the Obama hoard.
7. Massive money printing to slow down the fall of our economy, jobs plans that didn't work because they were fundamentally wrong at the core.
8. Massive government borrowing to bail out the Federal Government from the hole that they have dug, huge looming debt of an almost unstoppable nature.
9. Not defending our nation's borders from illegal immigration, and by not doing so allowing them to come and go as they please.
10. The pushing of US jobs overseas, out sourcing puts the nail in the coffin so to speak.

These are just a few things; I could go on for ever. I'm not a doom and gloomer you could ask any of my friends I'm usually the biggest optimist out of them. But it's hard to see the light when their is just a pinhole sized beam of it that seems to get smaller every day.

Monday, September 26, 2011

TSA & Your Rights as an American Citizen

Here we go again with the Obama version of keeping the skies safe; yes I know that it was initially President Clinton's brain child. But he never got it through the process of making it law due to the fact that he didn't the fact that he got impeached during his office.

Enter Obama who doesn't seem to care about, or have to follow the laws in this country now we have the TSA out these doing as they please.

It all gets to sound really dumb when you look in to the facts and discover that Israel has one of the most dangerous international airports in the world, but doesn't do the same crap to it's citizens as we do. No it really quite simply; they profile, yes I said it they profile, and by doing so have a lot less threat of terrorism wt their airports.

No pat downs of 90 year old ladies, no pat down of 12 year old girls just simple profiling. Of course they are using technology to do the profiling of the people. Their not just picking random people who they think look a certain way, or act a certain way. They use facial recognition and profiling software to compare people against a criminal database.

Oh geez the horror of; they actually care about their people a bit more then this country does. Not hard to do when you consider who is in charge of this country. Next thing you know old Jed's a millionaire, and it off to jail for not allowing the TSA to fondle him. Now I hear that this might be going to sporting events, and to our super markets and clothing stores; on the joy of it all.

It's time to flush the toilet on all of these lying morons in office, none of them have our best interest at heart. It's time for he American people to let them know this in a big way at the voting polls. Even though it more then likely won't make a difference who is in office, the next one may be a little less radical then Obama, but it's still the same snake.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Are We American Or Obamunists?

Every day it's something else in this country; not the feds have nothing better to do then raid the Gibson guitar factory. In the hews they have raided the Gibson guitar factory over the use if rare woods from other countries, even though Gibson has been using it for years, and has all the proper paper work.

I call it a violation of the United States constitution; and if it's not Guitar factories, it's gun shops in small towns in Arizona. These morons seem to think that they can just do as they please; as long as it doesn't affect what some other country thinks of them.

I thought that we were Americans, and not Obamunists. I guess the USA really is going to hell in a hand basket; I hate to admit it but we really need to fix the broken system in this country. Not be raiding business just because it seems like the things to do.

If the Feds want to raid something raid the damn border, and the companies that employ illegal workers. Don't give them a back door in to the country, this would be a huge start on fixing the situation that we find this country in at the moment.

It's not enough that we pay taxes, and get nothing in return, but it seems to get worse all of the time. They want to raise taxes to fix the things that they have screwed up; I have a suggestion we should give congress a pay cut down to about zero until this is fixed.

Why is it always the people that have to pay for the mistakes that the government makes? It's time to remind these idiots that they work for the people, and not to gratify themselves. They aren't there to force the green idea down our throats, or to remove salt from restaurant tables in New York.

They aren't here to shove a healthy America down our throats, or to cause inflation, or for that matter deflation. They aren't here to create jobs, only the business in the private sector can do that. They are not here to flush our economy down the toilet, or DE-fund our military.

They are here to serve the people, and protect our countries interests. The Feds are not the end all and be all, they take a back seat to the states according to our constitution. I say it's time for a reality check on these morons, let's fix the problem our selves.

Are Americans; so far they haven't taken that away, but they are working on it at a fast rate of speed. Every day they try to take the freedom of speech, now Hillary is trying to use a UN to remove our right to bare arms.

If you think that this isn't true do a little research, I will back it up if you'd like everything I'm saying is 100% true. I know it doesn't sound like something that can happen in this country, but you'd better learn, study, and know what is happening, or it will take yo be surprise and it will be ugly.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

All Hale King Obama – This Guy is no Longer a President, he's a dictator

All hale king Obama; as the new United States he continually pushes the envelope of our constitution. The latest thing is the super congress that he put in o to power in his regime to basically control the way that congress does business.

Like they need any more help to screw this country up. Obama site at the head of this super congress; according to the constitution this is treason, and the fact that the Obama super can over power the real US congress, makes it high reason.

The new one coming down the pipe is for Obama to use his super congress to raise the debt ceiling yet again, but this time without the approval of congress. This all sounds peachy, just like we have lost our country to a hostel takeover.

It just seems to be something new every month now, if not every week. It all started with Obamacare when he passed that monstrosity in the dead of night so nobody would know. These things are happening more and more now, it's time to keep your eye on these morons people.

We also have Hillary Clinton trying to pass a small arms removal law thought the United Nations, this is a tactic to circumvent the United States constitution. Something that these people don't seem to care for, we have even heard them say it in the past.

What I'm saying here is if you have an ounce of brains you should not trust a single one of these morons; it doesn't matter if they are republican, or democrat it's all the same thing with a different name. It's just a magician slight of hand to throw you off the scent these idiots.

So people please watch everything that these people do from now on. Make sure that you get involved so you can call their bluff. Come election time we need to get rid of the lot of them, and bring in some true Americans, people who give a shit about this country.

Let's face it people, Obama is bad for business; quite simply he's bad for our country. He wants to kill everything that our country stands for, and he's doing a mighty fine job of it.

23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism

More at The Real News

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Politics Of A Country - Does Anybody Care Any More

As our country slowly descends down the proverbial drain, I look to the people who are supposed to care; the ones who are supposed to help, and those who are supposed to have a genuine interest in fixing the economic and business issues that our country is having.

I don't mean by more government handouts, the first step is really quite simple; you need to give businesses a reason to feel safe about hiring new employees. But rather it would seem that they are doing everything to make sure that no business will prosper, or hire new employees.

This can only mean one thing, we are to keep spinning around the drain in the sink until we slowly go down and are lost forever. When Wall Street says that Obama is the anti-business president they are not joking with us.

He wants to make his agenda happen; I don't profess to know exactly what his agenda is, but to me it has nothing to do with helping this country. So far he has relegated all power of his office to the UN, which is absolutely horrible.

When things happen it's always somebody else's fault. When does he quit passing the buck and do something for this country instead of against it. I know that he's a socialist, or maybe a Marxist, or possibly a communist.

No matter what he is; he is most certainly not an American in his thinking, or his actions. A true American a person who cares about this country would help the economy to come back, but everything he's done seems to twist the knife a little more in to the heart of this country.

We can't fix the budget without a tax raise on the public, and the businesses. This is just a great way to make our American people go out and put more money beck in to the economy of this country. You realize that our economy is driven by the people spending money at their local businesses.

Here is what happens when an idiot jacks up our taxes in the middle of a recession. The first thing that it affects is the business in this country by making them less profitable, this in turn make them have to tighten down their spending, and the easiest way to do that is to quit hiring American people.

If that fails the next thing that happens in this chain of events is that they begin to lay off workers because they can't afford to keep them working. A business owner will do whatever it takes to stay profitable so they can stay in business.

Look back at the car companies before the government bailed them out. They first started to lay people off to stay profitable, then they quit hiring new employees. They began to sell off their manufacturing facilities, it's always a chain of events that makes things happen, rather their good things, or bad things.

Once these companies begin to lay people off, and fire people their first reaction is to tighten the belt on spending. So down goes the economy of the country. You can't blame the people for this, they don't know when they will have income again.

Here comes the government to save the day; let's put as many people on government handouts as we can. Do you remember when Obama won the election, you had people standing up and cheering, oh thank god I will never have to pay my mortgage again, oh thank god no more car payment.

This is the type of crap that he ran his campaign on, no more homeless because the government will make sure of it. No more utility payments for certain people because the government will take care of the for you to.

Just send all of your bills to the White House and the government will fix all of your problems. They can't even fix their own problems, how the hell do you think that they can fix yours. It's time to quit looking to the source of the problem to fix your problems.

The more they give you, the more they will take from you. It's quite evident with them trying to use the UN to take our second amendment rights away from us. Not to mention all of the other lunacy that they cause in this country, do things for yourself and take our country back people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Illegal Immigrant Workers & Are The California Way Of Doing Things

We all know that California is under the impression that the USA can't do business without illegal immigrants. They claim that American workers won't do the same jobs that illegal Mexican immigrants will; the truth is that American workers won't do the work for $.50 per hour.

The bottom line is that this is all about money, and the American farmers on the west coast have a lot of pull and power with their politicians. This is illegal no matter how you look at it, it should never happen in this country.

We don't live is a society where only certain people have to obey the laws; everybody should obey the law of the land. Illegal immigrant workers take jobs from the American workers, send the money back to Mexico, and kick the American worker in the face.

It's true the American worker does deserve more money the an illegal immigrant in this country. Just the very fact that they are illegal says it all. Obama and his horde would just let them do as they please, giving them amnesty if they haven't yet committed a crime.

I have news for you Obama; every one of them has committed an crime against this country. are you to stupid to see it, or your just trying to kill this country I don't know, and it doesn't matter. The truth is that they are committing a crime just by being in this country.

Just because you think that it's alright for them to be here doesn't make it so; it makes you wrong. In this writers opinion your aiding them in the act of a crime, and you should know that. Or possibly you do know it, and just don't care.

In either case it really doesn't matter much does it; when even the president; a person who is supposed to hold up the law of the land, rather then helping the criminals break the law can't even do his job, Houston we have a problem.

I know that they have been here a long time pumping out kids, anchor babies because they know that if they have kids while they are here in this country; those kids will be American citizens. Again not right this is a law that needs to be revisited.

Look at it this way; if I were to cross the broader in to Mexico without the proper paper work, and I got caught by the Federal-lies, I would go to prison for a long time I believe that amount is 17 years. Why should it be any different here in the USA.

So now you think I'm a racist; maybe I am, or possibly I'm just an American who thinks that our wonderful Federal government should get off it's ass and do it's job. I'm sick of hearing excuse after excuse about why it can't be done when I know it can.

I could even tell you how to do it, but that is for another article. I know that 14,000,000 illegal immigrants languishing in our country puts a strain on our economy. Every single one is on some kind of government assistance without a doubt.

They come here illegally looking for the freebies, and the federal government freely hands it out. Even though it's 100% against the law of this land. And we wonder why our country is doing so badly at this moment in time.

If you truly want to fix things you need to weed out the problem; look at it this way, if your garden is full of weeds and it's killing your plants you get rid of the weeds right? I'm sick of the crap, it's time to fix the problem, it really is not that hard, but they do have the excuses don't they.

Well that is about enough of this; it really doesn't matter if every American in this country had the same opinion, these morons would never listen any way. Here is an example do you remember Obamacare? Did the people want that monstrosity? I'm done with my rant, I hope somebody enjoyed the read.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Presidential Politics 2012

We have straw polls, real polls that actually mean something, and that we have the campaign. An event where some politician fills the American people full of false hope, and a boat load of lies. A bunch of just plain crap, they will get in office and play ball with special interest groups of all kinds.

As they stand on their podiums and basically kick mud in the face of every American, all they want to hear is a big yes we love you. They want to see people stand up and take their side, even though we know what they have done to our country un to now.

They have piled on so much debt that no man or god could undo it. But like every thing else they are looking for a way to do business as usual in Washington. They love back room deals, and the constant keeping the American people in the dark.

They court for your vote, they practically shove their tongue down your throat. As they continue to spread their lies, and their utter filth. During the first two years of the Obama admin that did not deal with the debt, or the budget, so now it's time to play the blame game.

It's time for more lies; do your remember when you were a kid and you fought with your brother or sister for the tv remote. It went something like this; no mine, no mine, and then you broke the remote and it was he did it, or she did it, it didn't matter if it was a lie as long you didn't get in trouble.

This is the same crap that these politicians are doing; they quite simply do not care about the American citizens, or this country, they only care that they stay in office so they can continue to play the people for fools as they drive a stake into the heart of this country.

They continue to play games with printing more money, and raising debt ceilings so they can pile on more debt. While the credit rating agencies are taking the AAA credit rating form this country. If these people would just do their damn jobs we might get our country back to normal some day.

Oh no they won't do that because it would be an end to the open wallet of this country for their use. No more parties at the White House, no more not placing your hand on your heart for the pledge. No more anti business crap, and no more tax hikes to fix the problems that you caused.

It would be a nice thing if they could maybe defend our borders, and keep the illegal scourge out of this country. It would be nice if they could just be Americans one damn time in their lives. It would be nice if they would ask what they can do for the country, not what the country can do for them.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Obama Super Congress

We all know that Obama is trying to destroy our country, but this takes that cake. A super congress, what a bunch of shit.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

No Obama in 2012 Nobama

Yes we can was the big Obama election campaign promise. To that end I wonder what we can do because so far Obama has done nothing. He has burdened this country with more debt the every president in the history of the country.

He has given us an unconstitutional health care reform bill that seeks to not only kill the country, but it's American citizens one by one. I prod you to tell me one single thing that Obama has done to help this country.

No I am not a member of the god squad that is saying that only god can fix what man has done to this fine country. I believe that only we can fix what has been done to our country. It's a long process and it needs to start right now.

It requires the people of this country to all get together on the same page. I don't care if you are a part of the god squad or not, we can all contribute to the re-birth of the United States Of America. We do not need China to come in and take over our country.

We need to either close the Fed, or change the way that it does business. No longer should it operate above the law with impunity. No longer should it be able to operate as a business entity with no real owner, and nobody to take the fall for it's mistakes.

No longer shall congress make laws in the dead of the night without so much as a word to the people of this country. We should never hear the words let's pass the bill so we can all know what's in it “Nancy Pelosi” it's high time to stop the madness.

No more foolish real estate business deals on behalf of the government, people can only own a house if they can afford it. No more short sales, or junk bonds; it's time for them to come clean and now. No more empty promises from behind lying eyes.

We are done listening to eloquent speaker with nothing real to say. It's time to bring on the people who are true Americans; the people who love this country. It's time to back up what you say to the American people.

A president of the United States should not be on a constant vacation. He should not cater to every other country before his own country, if that is the case here. The old saying look out for number one really does apply here.

A true president should never pick out a city in this country and tell people not to visit there, even if nobody does listen to him; Obama telling people not to visit Las Vegas was just plain UN called for. No I don't say this because I'm from Vegas, I say it because I'm an American.

Think about some of these things in 2012 when it comes time to vote. Remind yourself that we are not a socialist country, remind yourself that the government doesn't run this country, the people run this country, remind yourself that you own state laws trump the Feds laws.

Above all never forget that we still have a constitution of this country, and we are supposed to live by it. It is not out dated, if you don't remember this document maybe you should go and read it again. The government doesn't run the people, the people rune the government.

Monday, April 25, 2011

A New World Order – Is The United States On A Road To Nowhere?

If you keep tack of things that way that I doe, it may seem like a new world order is on the way. They kill our economy with all of the spending, they are driving gold prices through the roof; so it will crash also nothing can stand this kind of pressure.

If you have noticed they are taking away our constitution a piece at a time. If you noticed we have this, idiot that some people call a president who is on perpetual vacation; when he’s not, he just kills the country a bit more with every move he makes.

There can be no doubt that the powers that be could care less about our country. Oh no they are to worried about the mid east, hmm oil interests, this is exactly what the left said about Bush when he went to way over there.

All we hear is how horrible this country is from the president an his people. Obama spends his time traveling around the work apologizing for the so called austerities that our country has done all over the world, give me a break, lat off the US bashing and become a real president.

We have all heard the fact that Obama isn’t his real name, it is Barry Soetoro, and yes that is an Indonesian last name. Because his dad was from Indonesia, yes it’s horrible, but I truly don’t believe that he was born in this country.

He has put up no proof, a certificate of live birth is not proof. It just states that fact that you were born alive, it does not give the specifics that a birth certificate does. Such as the hospital you were born at, the doctors name that born you, and a few other minor facts like that.

It’s even possible that he is an illegal alien also; I can’t really say one way or the other on that. But the constitution is clear on who can be a president of the United States. “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

You can see by the above quote taken directly from the constitution that it is very specific, and designed not to be out smarted. All though it took a hard kick to the teeth in the last presidential election,; but then the entire country took a hard kick to the teeth.

I really don’t care what you think of the things that I write about, I just hope that you will go out a research what I say, you may be surprised at what you find; I sure as hell was. It’s something new every day, but never a thing good for this country or it’s people.

Monday, April 4, 2011

RT America Launches New Show

Contact: Nena Bartlett

(202) 577-8648

RT America

1325 G St NW

Washington, DC

(202) 942-7440

RT America Launches New Show,

Hosted by Former US Marine, Adam Kokesh

Washington, D.C.: RT America, is set to launch a new program, "Adam vs The Man," April 11 at 7PM EST. The next generation political program will be hosted by activist, former Republican congressional candidate, and United States Marine veteran Adam Kokesh.

International Emmy-nominated news channel, RT America is an English-language news channel based in Moscow and Washington, DC.

With bold, original programming, RT is making inroads into what used to be mainstream media-dominated television markets.

Said Margarita Simonyan, RT editor-in-chief, "As an alternative media source often interacting with independent journalists and controversial opinion makers, RT has become a major player in the battle for information in recent years."

"Adam Kokesh brings such a diverse background to any issue," said former campaign manager, Tina Richards.

She continued, "When I want to hear political talking points I can turn to the mainstream networks, but when I want to hear what is really happening and what the younger people of America are thinking, I'll be watching 'Adam vs The Man.'"

"Adam vs The Man" will air daily at 7PM EST starting April 11 on Russia Today.

ADAM KOKESH: Adam is a former United States Marine who became a leader in the American anti-war movement and a congressional candidate who captured the voice of the youth and liberty movements across America.

Most recently, Adam brought thought-provoking programming to radio as the host of his own local show. In 2008, the United States presidential elections showed a voter turnout of youth (ages 18-29) that rose to 51 percent.

As the 2012 election nears, Adam Kokesh will provide a perspective that potential youth voters will appreciate. As Adam often says, "It's okay if you don't do politics, politics will keep doing you."

In the US, RT is available on cable in the metro areas of Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego as well as in North Carolina and South Carolina. For more information go to watch/

To watch RT livestream simulcast go to america-air/

Restore The Republic
3149 Dundee Rd #176
Northbrook, Illinois 60062, USA

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The South West Border and Illegal Immigration

Here we go again with the racism crap from the people on the left, is this really the only card they hold? It's about time that the illegal immigration on the south west border of our country was put to an end, and I don't mean by granting all of them amnesty.

If you want to come to this country, you can do it the legal way or pay the price. It's about time that all of the illegals learned this the hard way. No more worthless protests, no more whining about their rights from the left, they are illegal immigrants.

The word illegal implies that they are criminals just by being here, if the Feds don't want to do their job, the states should be allowed to take it over. I'm getting sick of all of the whining from the far left democrats, these people aren't concerned about what this is doing to our country.

I could care less how much California loves the illegal immigrants in their state, if you want them so bad, keep them all in your state. This problem needs to be fixed, if they break the law, they should pay the price.

Illegal immigration does a lot of things to our country, and none of them are good. First of all it drives the wages down for legal American workers. Let's not even discuss the homeland security issues that it causes, with the Mexican drug lords doing as they please on the border.

Don't think for one minute that terrorists aren't coming in along that border. People from every nation are crossing that border illegally every day. They all need to be stopped, it's illegal, and the law needs to be enforced, and it needs to be enforced harshly.

We don't need to treat them with kid gloves, and give them a pat on the back and tell them please don't do that again, or we will pat you on the back again. Not to mention the law that if your born here, your automatically a US citizen, it's ludicrous.

All the Feds to to solve the illegal immigration problem is put up signs telling the American people to stay off of their own land, or they are at risk of being shot by a drug lord, or Mexican bandit. It;s time to get off of you asses boys, and do your job.

Don't think of this as a suggestion, think of it as your boss giving you an order. After all you were elected by the people, to serve the people. So this is a call to action, do you job on the border, do not look for a reason to grant them amnesty, look for a reason to kick them out of our country.

If you need a reason to do it, here it is, they are illegal, they are criminals just by being here. I don't care if their just here to try and make a better life for them, and their families. They need to be here legally, and not by the use of an easy way out such as amnesty either.

So Feds, and the Obama horde, it's time to pull yourself from that vacation that you call congress. It's time to get out of the easy chair and do your damn job. It's time to secure our borders, and protect our country, or lose your cushy jobs.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Speak Out And Be Heard The Voice Of A Real Person

This article will put across the idea of a real person, on how to speak up and be heard. I am no guru, or professor of public speaking. This article is through the eyes of an ordinary person, just another person that you might run in to every day.

If you want people to listen to what you have to say, the first step that you need to take in my opinion is to present yourself the right way. Everything in life is done off of the first impression that you make when you meet people.

People will take a person who looks like they are well groomed, and maintained a lot more seriously then a person who looks like their appearance doesn't mean a lot to them. If you notice all of the so called gurus are always in a nice suit.

Noe to the meat of the subject; I'm sure that in your travels you have heard of using power words? Power words will make you sound like god himself when used right. Its all about projecting yourself the right way in public.

If you want people to listen to you, you need to draw their attention first. The power words will help you do that quite nicely. But their is an art to it; you need to know when to use them for the full effect to take place.

When you trying to speak out and be heard, you really trying to capture the audience that is around you at that time, your trying to draw them in, make them hang on every word. It's all about how you present yourself, and the timing that you use to do it.

Another factor that weighs in to it is body language, use positive gestures; such as when your talking, and you want people to listen, you should always sit, or stand with your arms open, this is an inviting gesture, like your giving the audience a big warm hug.

Make eye contact with the audience, and try not to look down, its a sign that your not interested in what your doing. It always helps to have a presentation to go along with what you are talking about. Speak with conviction; you should make the people believe what you are saying, the same way that you do.

You should never make it look like you a robot, by reading from a notebook. You need to be genuine if your trying to gather a following of people who like to listen to what you have to say. Never speak down to people, always put yourself on the same level as them.

Use words like us, and we rather the my, I, or me. Always try to include you audience in the speech.
It's a powerful thing when people feel like they belong, like they have seen the things that your talking about.

One of the most important things is to maintain good sincere eye contact with your audience. I can't stress enough how important this is. If you keep good eye contact it makes the people feel more at ease with your, and what your talking about.

The more at ease that people are with you, the more they will tune in and listen. As I said at the first, I am no guru, or professor I'm just a normal guy who has noticed a few things about public speakers over the years.

Do You feel Like Something is Missing?

It seems that our country has taken a turn for the worse; do you feel like something is missing? When I listen to people like Glen Beck it kind of gets me thinking about things. I don't buy in to the whole people falling away from religion is the cause, of our nation's down fall.

I blame most of that on corruption, and the people in our country getting complacent about politics. You have got to know, if you give a politician an inch, they will certainly take a mile. If the people aren't there to stop them, they will just keep right on doing it until our country is dust.

We haven't had a good president for a long time, but there again, it's the people getting complacent. If you let these people do as they please for long enough, it will become the normal thing to do. We are all sick of the Obama back room deals, and by offs.

I think that somewhere along the way, the politicians have lost their integrity, they no linger keep any promises they make, nor do they care about our country. But it's up to the people to put an end to the madness, because they aren't going to just decide to stop getting away with what they can.

All we really have to do is make sure that o the politicians in our own states believe in the constitution, and they are prepared to use it as a guide line, they are prepared to follow it to the letter. But it's up to the people to make sure that this happens.

No politician is just going to follow the constitution, they have to be reminded that the constitution is the document that they are sworn to live by. You remind them of this at election time, by getting rib of them if they don't follow the constitution.

I do also agree with Glen Beck when he says that everything doesn't dwell around politics, it dwells around the core beliefs of the people who are in office. You must have people of conviction who believe in our country.

You are right if your thinking that it will be hard to find a person like that, they are few and far between, but they are out there. We all know that we don't need a president running around the world telling all of the other countries who America is always screwing up, and how sorry we are.

We need courageous people who truly believe the this country, people who love this country, we need people who radiate the United States Of America in public. They need to understand that the USA never comes last, and should never pander to another country.

I'm going to take you back in history here, not to far though only about 1.5 years. Do you remember a news article when Reverend Write “Obama's Reverend when he was younger” “God Damn America” not to mention his wife, who has never been proud of this country, until Obama was elected.

Yes it sounds Anti-American because it is. No matter what context you hear it in, or how it gets spun, it will always sound Anti-American because it is Anti-American. These are the kind of people in charge of our country, how wonderful huh?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Do You Think That The Politicians Are Playing Games?

Do you think that the politicians are staging the entire democrat vs republican idea to farther their whole agenda? Do they pledge allegiance only to the bankers? Are the two sides, or just a boat load of drama to keep the people off guard? If this is the case then how do we stop it?

I have always believed in the true American people in this country, not the hand out crowd. Not the cradle to grave entitlement hoarders. Not the socialist pinkos who believe that the wealth should be spread evenly across the country, not the tax & spend liberals.

The true American people who believe that the United States is the best country on this earth to live in. Those who still salute the flag as they walk by; the people who will stand up for this country. The people who remember what this country is all about.

Not those who have given up on the idea of this country ever returning to it's full glory again. Not those who would wait for god to save the country, those who love it. There is no doubt that these people aren't readily available these days, but there are still enough of them left to help save our country.

I know that it seems to be almost a lost cause, but what if our founding fathers had just said it's a lost cause; where would we be today? It is not a lost cause, no matter how grim the situation may seem at the time, it's just a matter of the right people doing the right things.

There is one thing that I know to be true here, you should not ask them for anything; if at all possible, the more you ask from them; the more they will take from you. The fact of the matter is that nothing is for free, if you don't ask for socialistic hand outs, they won't be taking your rights away.

There is nothing worse then feeling like your over the barbecue pit with no way out. I don't know if the two sides are just staging events like elections and campaigns just for our entertainment, or if they actually mean anything.

I do know a lot of people who think that they just play like they are bitter enemies for our benefit, but in the back rooms, behind closed doors they are all making deals, and taking bribes. I certainly hope that this is not a true statement of the events that happen.

I truly hope to discover one day that campaigns, and elections are 100% above board. Rather then being 100% above the law. At this moment in time we have fourteen democratic senators who are hiding from doing their job, this certainly doesn't look very good does it?

I try really hard not to lose my confidence in the American people, and our way of doing things, but sometimes it gets just a bit hard. Nobody is more American then me, that is why I hate to believe any of the fatalistic things that I hear about our country.

Is it enough to be a true American any more? Is is enough to love your country? Is it to much to ask for the corruption to be crushed? Can we just set this country straight and be on our way. Let's bring the industry back again, let's build business, instead of trying to kill it with taxes. Let's work to build the country, rather then tear it down.

The Federal Reserve Bank Is A Fraud

I have been out doing a bit of reading, it's amazing the information that you can find with a few short minutes of research. The big secret behind the Federal Reserve Bank is to link our country back to England.

The other mission of the Federal reserve bank is to debase our currency, just take a look at what's happening with our economy today. Our dollar has lost about forty cents worth of it's value, that is a devaluation of our currency.

If you look in to it a bit there is a lot of hidden information that is related to the Federal Reserve Bank. Even if you do a freedom of information request. They are quite simply exempt from giving your any information that they think may hurt their processes.

More governmental smoke and mirrors if you ask me; I plan to keep looking in to this to see what I can find if anything. There is a reason that these people don't want the Federal Reserve to get audited, it would bring out all of the slide of hand that has been going on since they created it.

They obviously try to keep this information very hard to locate. The process of finding provable information related to this subject is a long process, if you have any information related to this subject, please don't hesitate to comment on this post.

The idea behind this article if to help people understand the reasons why we need to end the Fed. We all know that Ron Paul is behind an idea to end the Fed, the people need to get behind this idea, and get rid of any politicians who don't want to support this idea.

There is no doubt that you have heard the names of a few of the people behind the Federal Reserve Bank, and it's creation. J.P. Morgan, or Chase Bank, not to mention the Rothschild family, Rockefeller Brothers, Goldman, Sachs, Lehman Brothers, and a few more.

There are a lot of well to do and powerful people involved in this banking scam. Obviously their plan is working very well at this point in time. As you know most scams are eventually uncovered, and there is hell to pay, we can all hope that happens with this scam to kill our country.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A List Of No No's That Obama Said Yes To

I could go forever with a list like this, but I will concentrate on the ones that I know you have heard about. First of all a few months back, behind closed doors at congress, using all brands of shady tactics. Obama and his horde of morons passed a nationalized health care bill.

With an overwhelming 70% of the American people against it, are you ready for the change. Against the American public he drives the country in to more debt, George H. Bush over an eight year presidency ran the country one trillion dollars in to the red.

Obama in 1.5 years has added another thirteen trillion eight hundred million dollars in to debt. You tell me who is doing a worse job. Obama promised to create jobs, yet still the jobless rate hovers at just below ten percent, that is huge.

The GDP has dropped from 3.8 percent last quarter, to 2.3 percent this quarter, how's that change working out for you now? The far left democrats are doing deals behind closed doors, so the public can't see what's going on, where is the transparency that Obama promised?

It's the good old boy Chicago politics at work; not to mention, where is Obama's proof of citizenship. He seems to use his minions to hide behind loopholes in the law to his best advantage. But look at what George H. Bush done, as I chuckle.

I am no fan of some of the crap that Bush pulled either, but he is far better then the entire Obama horde. As our country is getting overrun with illegal immigrants from Mexico, the feds are doing nothing. Oh don't get me wrong here, I know that this started way before Obama came along.

This is one of the things that Bush should have done something about, instead he wanted to please his buddy Vicnte Fox, then the president on Mexico. A little of the same thing that is going on here. Oh we must not show the Mexicans that there are consequences for breaking the law.

Just another show of the disdain for what the American public thinks, we are all just idiots in the eyes of congress. Just a bunch of baboons chained to a chair in front of the TV. Just a bunch of morons incapable of thinking for ourselves.

That is until it's time to vote, then we become the greatest people on the earth. Let's show them that the American people are not just a bunch of baboons chained to a chair in front of the TV. It's time that these morons understand that we can think for ourselves.

Go to the polls and vote down the incumbents, or vote out the current people in charge. Do what you think needs to be done to start the restoration of our country. If this continues to be the norm, we will lose all of our freedoms.

I have said this time, and time again. The more handouts you take from the government, the more power you give them, and the more power you give them, the less freedoms you have. It's communism waiting to happen.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Do You Think That The Elites Plan To Make A New World Order?

Over the year we have all heard o the term “New World Order; but are the elites trying to bring it in as we speak? I have been a fairly big sceptic of this theory over the years, but in the past little while I have even begun to wonder if this goes beyond a conspiracy theory.

When you start to think about it, they have quit defending the borders of this country to the point where they almost have no meaning any more. They allow illegal aliens to comes across by the droves, and refuse to do a damn thing about it.

Then there is the North American Union, something that this country should resist with every fibre of it's being. When you think about it; it all goes together like a big jig saw puzzle. Then you add the “Order Of The Skull & Bones Society” to the mix and it gets s bit hard to deny.

Skull & Bones is a good old boy club that operates on the campus of the Yale university; one of the worlds most respected colleges. The list of important people that are members of this club is endless. On that list resides United Sates presidents, and supreme court justices.

Not to mention most of the elites of the world, there is an endless supply of well to do people that reside on this list. These people could with their collective power have caused the financial situation that our country, and the rest of the world is in at the moment.

They could without question fix the problems also, but we all know that they don't plan to do that. They often get the people that they want elected to office, two examples come to mind right now; George W. Bush, and George H.W. Bush, you should recognize both names as former presidents.

This club contains members of the CIA, US senators, governors, if your thinking that Kennedy's were clean in all of this, you would be wrong, along with John Kerry. That blows all of the democrats out of the water who were thinking that none of their wonderful people were on this list.

Since these guys have help the most important off that a person can hold in this country, you can see how that could get their wishes fulfilled. If you think about it, all they have to do is bankrupt this country, and then offer to come in and fix it.

The people that think that the government should do everything would be glad to take any offer that they give just to see things cool off. Believe me when I say this, except no offers form any of them to help you, or your family.

The more they give you, the more they will take from you this is how it has always worked. The people need to stand together on this if we are to see our country returned to normal, if that is possible. Remember these kind of plans almost always fail in the end.

The few elites at the top will struggle to be the one in charge, and as a result their organization will begin to break down, and when it does you will know it. We as American people need to be strong in the belief that this is the best courtly on earth, and work together to see that it stays that way.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Are Obama and the Other Politicians Trying to Turn The USA in to a Third World Country

Are Obama and the American politicians trying to turn the United States in to a third world country? It it true that the United States will experience it most important moment in the last fifty years? Is it going to change everything about this country as we know it?

Just give this some thought, if you were in debt; would you go borrow more money to bail yourself out? Would it even be possible for you or I to to that? I think that most of us would try to clear up the problem by getting rid if some debt, and changing the way we live.

It seems to be beyond the US government to think this way, which makes me believe that they are trying to ruin this great country. I realize that this is nothing new, it didn't start with Obama, or his administration, it was starting even before I was born.

Here is the crazy idea that I had, if you resist doing anything to fix the problem it will grow bigger and get to a point where it is UN-stoppable. I also realize that things that took decades to screw up can't be fixed over night, but at least make an effort.

The situation that this country is in could turn us in to a third world country. I don't know if you remember that days when the USA was the industrial capital of the world, now your lucky to find a single thing made in the USA.

Industry is what drives this country, or any other country. It is quite simply what provided our employment, it's how most people in this country provide for their family. They have been systematically killing industry for at least 20 years that I can remember.

Now you add the national debt to all of that, and it seems almost Chrystal clear that they are working to take down this country. For years I have heard about this North American Union, this is just a nice way of saying New World Order, and another indicator that things are not good.

We have a few elitists in this world who would just love to assume control of the entire planet. We have a group of people known as The Builderburg Group, who would like to be the ones in charge of ruling this planet, if you don't believe me; look it up.

I know that for most true American people this is hard to stomach; believe me it's not easy for me either. I'm not a politician, a news caster, or commentator, I am just an American citizen who is very concerned about his country.

Look at the border security in this country, it almost does not exist at all. The pieces all fit together like a big puzzle. Now add the unemployment rate to the mix and see if things to just begin to fall in place. I don't claim to have the answers, but somebody needs to find the answers, and put those findings to use.

I think we could begin by making in really hard for any company to make money by outsourcing it's jobs to another country. I would think that jacking the taxes up on any outsourced work to about 75% would make these companies begin to do the right thing for our country.

Maybe start to control the power that some of these unions have. Let's start to bring our country back to it's once great status. You know what I mean, pull back the industry to this country, open up the job market, and make businesses want to do business in this country.

Screw the elitist morons who think that they want to run the world; be am American, and join in and try to help put this country back on the map.

I'm looking for a few people who can add to this by commenting on this article. Please do not comment unless it's directly related to the subject matter.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Obama and the Nuclear Reduction Treaty

Obama has a problem with nuclear arms in this country and Russia. During his negotiation for the nuclear arm reduction treaty he gave away secrets about England's defence systems. Specifically their nuclear arms cache.

Obama plans to turn over information about every Trident missile the United States supplies to England. Does this back the allegation that Obama is Anti-American? We all know that he is anti-business, although he has recently made a push toward helping the businesses in our country.

Is Obama trying to create an enemy out of one of our best allies? If you keep up on these things; you know that England has been there every time that we have needed them, they are one of our go to countries when we need help.

This new start treaty is just one more things added to the long list of no no's that Obama has said yes to. I have a problem with using information provided by the anti-American organization known as Wikileaks, but I think that this is important to every American citizen.

We all know that Obama has no stomach for the the defense of this country. Further more it's hard to think that he gives a damn about one of our most important allies in England. It's time that he comes to the party and gains an understanding about respect, and keeping things on an even keel.

I believe that this could seriously damage our relations with England, personally I think that England has been a good friend to y the United States, I think that Obama enjoys posturing to see how far he can push certain issues, this may have gone to far.

Britain has a policy not to disclose that exact size of it's nuclear arsenal to any other countries. The way I see it this confidence has been breached by Obama. Of course his people will defend what he has done, some things are not defendable.

In conclusion I think that this was a huge mistake on the parts of Obama. I do not think that he can recover from this screw up. If I were the Prime Minister of England I would always question Obama's next move, and I would never trust him again.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do You Believe All The Fatalism In This Country?

Do you believe all the fatalism that is going around in this country? Is the United States on the road to nowhere? In the past people believed that our country could overcome any obstacle in it's path. Have we all gone insane, do we really think that Obama and his herd are the only obstacle we can't clear.

Do the globalists really have that much juice; enough that they just tell the United States what to do? C'mon guys China is not going to downgrade our credit status, that would affect their country as bad as it would the United States.

Obviously there are those people who want to take control of the world, but we have had those people in the past, and beat them down. If this country is on the road to nowhere; I want the proof put before me now. Not a radio clip from some fatalistic talk show host.

Not some moron who believes that our country is doomed, I would like to see the real proof. I know that hyper inflation could come on and destroy our country because of the current situation that it's in. Although I just don't buy all the fatalistic rhetoric.

I know that our government has screwed up our country, I also know that they will keep doing it until they are stopped. But give me a break, the entire infrastructure of our country could implode; that is ludicrous to even think.

Our monetary system is not going to crash, yes it needs to be fixed, and it will be. Here is the big thing, what took 80 years for them to screw up can't possibly be fixed over night. The key idea here is that it can be fixed, and you should never give up on your country.

Yes we need to get rid of the federal reserve bank, and we need to defend the constitution every chance we get. The fact that the government doesn't care about the people is absolutely 100% true. We need to show that that without the people there is no job for them.

Our country is changing; and not for the better, there are people out there who would end our way of life in this country. There are America haters everywhere, yes even in our own country. Political correctness is weighing on our country like a malignant disease, and only the people can fix it.

So what I say to you is read an learn all you can about the things that are happening in this country. As you read be sure to verify the authenticity of your data. The more you know, the better prepared you will be in the end.

You can't possibly think that the government can, or will fix this country. It is now the responsibility of the people of the country to return this great country to it's former status. Don't buy in to the fatalism, believe in your country, and only elect those who will do the same.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt Longs For Freedom After Thirty Years Of Tyranny

The people of Egypt are in the streets trying to tell their ruler to leave office. After thirty years of ruling them with an iron fist, while fires burn in the streets, and the government shuts down the internet and phone lines to silence the people.

President Hosni Mubarak is trying everything he can to remain in power as the people chant leave office now. The people of Egypt are seeking freedom, and a better way of life for them and their families, something we take for granted a lot in this country.

They are asking for the simple things like better wages and working conditions, and something less then a seven day work week. They would like to have the things that we enjoy in this country, but President Hosni Mubarak will have nothing to do with that.

The Untied States should be helping Egypt a lot more then we are. But the politicians are worried about straining our relationship with their dictator President Hosni Mubarak. Our government is a bit soft when it comes to helping the people of Egypt remove their dictator from office.

President Hosni Mubarak has been in office for thirty years, just think how bad this country if a president were to stay in office for thirty years. Imagine the corruption, and the pay offs to shut up. The people always pay the price when thing like this happen.

Like one of my favorite bands says, put a man in control, watch him become a god, watch people's heads a roll. President Hosni Mubarak doesn't think that he's a regular person any more, he thinks he's a god among men, the be and end all, the final word.

I'm with the people of Egypt, I hope that they get rid of this guy and get their freedom. I always thought that our country bragged about helping people, and countries get, and keep their freedom. I thought that the United States was the international defender of the rights of all people.

After days of protest the people of Egypt are still in the streets trying to get their freedom from this dictator. Where is the United states; well just like normal we are worrying about what President Hosni Mubarak would think if we help.

We all know that Obama is a spineless president, we all know that short of Egypt imploding Obama will do nothing to help them. Sure he will come on TV an issue warnings, and the secretary of state will do the same, but they will not help Egypt out because they are scared.

There is no doubt that our country could do more to help Egypt out of this problem. Obama could move soldiers from Afghanistan to Egytp to help these people, but we can't have that. We might actually help somebody out of a bad situation.

Their is no doubt that these people need our help, their is no doubt that they have asked for our help, but our president stands by and watches from behind the seen. If we still believe if the principals of this country, and the idea that all people should be free, we must do something to help there people.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How True Is It – National Debt, Inflation and The Impending Doom Of Our Country

We all know that if our government doesn't fix things with a quickness it could spell the end of this country as we know it. With the national debt hovering at around fourteen trillion dollars; and the democrats want to spend more to do a so called fix.

We as the people are calling them out, the question that I have is simply this, do the people even matter to them any more? Things need to change in a big way if we plan to fix this problem. The era of big spending, and huge debt is over.

We must reign in the idea of spending to get the country out of debt. The threat of China downgrading our dollar's status as the world currency is looming as we speak. But I wonder is this just rhetoric and hype to get the government off it's dead ass.

China has as much to lose as we do in this, if they downgrade us, they will immediately lose all of the money that they have loaned to us as the dollar will be rendered worthless. Not to mention Russia, and Japan and the dollars that they are holding.

I am no financial guru; but it seems to me that they are not in this thing to lose money, and the trade status between them, and the United States. Just think the Japanese would no longer be selling their cars in this country, and China exports most of it's goods directly to the United States.

This would all come to an end as the economy in our country would come to a grinding halt. There would be no more exporting, or importing of any good to or from this country. In a dead economy nothing is moving, unless you consider a downward trend being a good move.

I don't really consider the threat of a downgrade of our credit status being a huge deal at this time. With this comes the democrats wanting to raise the debt sealing. This is a direct response to the thought that the countries who are holding our debt will downgrade our credit status.

The debt ceiling is quite simply a cap on how many bonds that the government can sell to off set it's huge debt. It's mostly used for political posturing, as nobody wants to take responsibility for the problems that monkeying with it could cause.

But when the situation with debt gets to the point where it's at in this country, the government is pushed to do something about it. When they start running out of options; they will begin talking about raising the debt ceiling, for now that is what it is, only talk.

But as inflation begins to take over, and the people are pushing the government to fix the huge screw up that it has made, it could become a necessary evil. We all know how much the government like to take responsibility for what it has done.

The best thing that they could do is begin to rebuild the country, not in their grand vision, but in the vision of our founding fathers. Rebuild the industry, pull all of the outsourced work back in to our country, and secure the borders to keep this country moving forward.

The truth is that I am no politician, I am not a banker, or a financial guru. I'm just an American citizen who is very concerned about the direction our country is heading in. It's time to reduce that size and scope of our government, and bring the power back to the people.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Letter To The President

This is an email that I got from a friend when president Bush was still in office, but in this case it's directed to Obama.

Dear President Obama

I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the USA in to Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know that you can help me with this.

I plan to skip all of the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure that they can handle those things that same way we do here.

So would mind telling your buddy, President Felipe Calderon, that I'm on my way over? Please let them know that I will be expecting the following.

1.Free Medical Care

2.English speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them, or not.

3.All government forms must be printed in english.

4.I want my kids to be taught by English speaking teachers.

5.Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

6.I want my kids to see the American flag flying on top of the flag pole with the Mexican flag flying lower at school.

7.Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8.I will need a local Mexican drivers license si I can get easy access to government services.

9.I do not plan to have any insurance, and I won't make a effort to learn the local driving laws.

10.In case one of the Mexican police officers doesn't get the memo from President. Calderon to leave me alone, please be sure to tell all police officers to kindly speak English.

11.I plan to fly the US flag from a pole on top of my house, put American flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints from the locals.

12.I would like to have a great job, and not have to pay any taxes, and please don't enforce any labor laws, or tax laws.

13.Please tell all of the people in the country to be extremely nice, and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain that I might place on the economy. I know that this is an easy request, because you all ready do all of these thing for people who come in to the US from Mexico. I am sure that President. Calderon won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely.

Thank you so much for all of your help.

A Legal US Citizen

The US Dollar Is The International Reserve Currency Right Now

Right now the US Dollar in the world reserve currency, what this means is that it is excepted in almost every country as a form of payment.

But this could change if our Federal Reserve doesn't decide to change it's policy on printing money.

If the other countries in the world decide to change to the Japanese Yen, or the Chinese Renminbi; it would have a devastating affect on our economy.

If you think that the recent recession has affected your life in a bad way, wait until the dollar get's downgraded.

I know you think that this is the United States, and that kind of thing doesn't happen here. It's easy to think that when the dollar has been the world tender for over 50 years now. It hard to imagine that it could all change over night.

If this happens there will be some huge events taking place as a result of it. The first thing that will directly affect you life is hyperinflation.

Right now average price of gas is about $2.80 per gallon, imaging that going up to $8.00 or $10.00 per gallon.

At that rate even your little ECO car doesn't seem that cool, but think about the consequences that are a direct result of the gas prices raising.

First of all the normal means of delivering food will jack the rates to get the commodities to o you.

This means that the prices of food and water hit a high point that none of us can afford. But consider this; as the prices of gas rise even higher the freight companies will start to go out of business, or just quit delivering the commodities to the stores when they can no longer afford to pay them.

To solve this problem that government will simply print more money, and deflate that value of the dollar even more. Then comes the lay offs, downsizing, and firing that will follow these events.

As this begins to get worse that will be rioting in the streets, do you think that the country of Greece thought that there would be people rioting in the streets?

I'm sure that those people never thought it would go as far as t it has.

The things that have happened over there will look like small potatoes when this country go's down. I like every other American never though that these things could happen in this country.

But I know better now. Now is the time to start thinking about the possibility of this happening here, and to you and your family.

There are already cities within cities, these cities are composed of tents, boxes, plastic, and anything that people can stay out of the weather with.

That sounds mighty American; and not a bit like a 3rd world country doesn't it? This is not what our country is supposed to be.

But it is what happens when a government digs itself a hole that it can't climb out of, a hole that could bankrupt this country.

The government continues to bail out, prop up and help companies like Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. We just couldn't let them fix there own problems could we boys.

To this I say, stop printing, bailing out, propping up and blowing this countries resources on nonsense. Stop wit the anti-business policies from the White house.

Stop trying to expand the size and scope of government, give control back to the people. It's time to get off of your high horse, or pay the cast president Idiot Ovama.

It's time to kick the socialist agenda to the curb, it's time to be Americans or get out of office. It's time to return to the constitution of this country to govern from.

10 Things That I Can Do To Help Save My Country

I had a search on the term 10 things that I can do to help save my country. This is only one man's opinion that you will read in this article, hopefully it will help some people with this question.

When you think abut it, things are so screwed up, that it's hard to limit the list to 10 things.
I will try my hardest to limit this list to 10 ideas to help save our country.

In the beginning the people followed a strict set of rules for the government in this country called the constitution. That has almost become a thing of the past.

  1. Limit the size and scope of government, do not allow it to grow any more, and no more tax increases on anybody.
  2. Force your local government to control spending, and the Federal government to bring the national debt under control.
  3. Do not allow the Feds to create any more entitlements, these expand government and give them more control over the people.
  4. Do all you can to crush Obamacare in this country.
  5. Keep your eye on the new congress, make sure that they only do what the people want them to do.
  6. Use competition to control health insurance rates, allow shopping across state lines, this will force the rates to go down.
  7. Help to control litigation against the health care industry, stop the lobbyists from getting what they want.
  8. Tell your local law makers to enact laws against lobbying in your state.
  9. Help control illegal immigration by telling your law makers to batten down the hatches on all borders of this country, if they don't oust them.
  10. Buy American goods and services to keep the flow of money in our country.
It's hard to stop there because I can think of a huge list of simple things that will help our country to become a strong and thriving enterprise again. These things are just common sense tips that any of us can do to help our country out of these hard times.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that if we keep letting congress do as they please, they will never do as we want them to. Believe me they want to spend as much money as they can, they truly believe that they can spend themselves out of debt.

Sad enough to say, they think that the American people are idiots. If we keep proving that to be true they will continue down this path of destruction that they are currently on.

If you ride a horse with no reigns it will go out out control, and that is what has happened here.
The people in this country hold the reigns on the government, and every once in a while we need to yank those reigns and let them know who is in control of this country.

This brings my list of 10 things that I can to to save my country to an end, I hope it helps some of you.